Gaming History
Download Your Win/Loss Statement
You can download your win/loss statement now at the touch of a button.
Log in to My Club Serrano or download the Yaamava' App to download your win/loss for last year. You can also download the five previous years.
App Quick Tip: Locate your statement on the App by logging in and tapping the “Support” icon on the home screen’s menu carousel.
Please Note: An online account is NOT created upon signing up for a Club Serrano card. You will have to link your Club Serrano card with an online account.
Having trouble? Check our FAQs, contact us at (800) 359-2464 or fill out the form below, but please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
How we collect information: Tax Documents Info
Your Gaming History At The Touch Of A Button
Win/Loss Statements Now Available!

Having Trouble Downloading? Submit Your Request Now
Please allow up to 2-4 weeks for delivery.