Let's Make a Deal Slots Make History at Yaamava’
Gaming | 2 MIN
A dynamic duo welcomes in history with an iconic video.
By Megan Garcia
In just over two minutes and 30 seconds, you’ll have a sense of how well Allen Schultz and Todd DiMillo get along. They have banded together to elevate the gaming experience at Yaamava’ Resort & Casino at San Manuel and recently upped their talents to welcome Let’s Make a Deal to the casino floor.
The partnership between Yaamava’ and IGT created an opportunity for history. There are only two Let’s Make a Deal slot machines in North America and both reside just a few steps in front of the entrance of Yaamava’ Theater. The exclusive experience of playing one of IGT’s most popular game shows was ushered in with Schultz and DiMillo at the helm.
"We knew nobody else had it,” Schultz said. "But the fact that IGT was cool enough to do that with us, that was nice. It was a show of faith as a partner that they were willing to work with us on really fun stuff.”
Schultz, Director of Slot Performance, and DiMillo, Assistant Director of Slot Operations, have developed a rapport for their comedic efforts in previous slot machine world premiere videos. From panda suits to zombie masks, the dynamic duo are no strangers to the camera.

“Our groundwork has been these videos,” DiMillo said. “Everyone is an actor or entertainer when they work in the casino environment. You need to be engaging and entertaining with guests and team members, so we channel that into the videos,”
Yaamava’ Theater was the backdrop for Schultz and DiMillo to dust off their acting skills in reenacting key segments of the game show in the world premiere video of the Let’s Make a Deal slot machines. The video was tailored perfectly to the personalities of Schultz and DiMillo: calm and reserved; outgoing and goofy.
“Allen and I have gotten to a point where we feel comfortable in the process of filming these videos,” DiMillo said. “We try some stuff and different looks and mannerisms. We’ll do multiple takes and usually one or two things that we do are goofy and end up being used, like Allen pinching me.”
With over 11,000 views and counting on YouTube, the dynamic duo hit the jackpot with their latest video. Now, they await the next slot machine world premiere to flash their acting chops in front of the camera.